The Savage Bureau Swag
The Savage Bureau 2019 Swag Collection

Savage Bureau - Rebrand Projects
Motion Graphics & Print for The Savage Bureau's 2019 brand update

Pepsi Cooler Quest
Pepsi Cooler Quest is a summer fun themed isometric runner Playable Ad.

Creator YouTube Channels
Branding & YouTube channel design for Collab Creators.

Reese's Pacman
Reese's Pac-Man - Playable Ad promoting new product, "Reese's Stuffed with Pieces"

Desto App
Desto helps groups of friends get together by maximizing value & minimizing stress.

TreSensa Website
TreSensa Corporate Website Redesign

Collab Marketing Assets
Collab Brand Assets: Logo Sting, Capabilities Deck, Print Collateral, Icon Sets

Fresh Deck Poker
Cross-Platform Poker Game & Marketing - Facebook, iPhone & iPad, Andriod.

Angry Birds Level
Mashup Interstitial Angry Birds Level for Hot Wheels

Arena App
Concept work for GSN's Sparcade app.

Sprite Spark Parks
The Sprite Spark Parks Project is a multi-year commitment between Sprite and LeBron James to build and restore play environments.

Moët Love Unconventional
Moët Chandon - Love Unconventional Poem Generator • Playable Ad

Slots Of Fun
Mobile Slots Game.

Go Poker
Go Poker Poker mobile app game.

Deer Hunter Slots
Mobile Slots Game partnering with Glu's Deer Hunter franchise.

Wake Up Your Phone is an interactive, rich media site designed to create awareness of smartphone capabilities.

JUXT Interactive Site
Website & Capabilities Deck re-design

COG1 Interactive Site
New branding and corporate website for COG1 Interactive.

Corporate website for sansa MP3 player line by Sandisk.